November 29 - 30, 2014 ~ Last days in Review
I am thankful for the knowledge that it is okay to just take some time off once in a while when you can, not only when you have to. I decided to take a break from my Facebook Page to refuel and refresh. I decided to enjoy being fully present in the moment of being thankful. My weekend was full of more moments of my family offering me more help and finding more ways to interact together. We had a special event on Sunday that allowed us to spend quality time with friends we haven't seen in long time and catch up. The weekend ended with a mini pedi/facial, brownies, and the mid-season finale of my family's favorite show, The Walking Dead. This was one of the best Thanksgiving holidays that I can remember. I thoroughly enjoyed myself!
November 28, 2014 ~ Day 28
I am thankful that the kitchen was completely cleaned for the first time EVER right after the meal! It was awesome to wake up early and come out for coffee and not have to fight with dishes or stuff on the counter. My oldest and I ventured out for her first day of Black Friday shopping ever. We got a few awesome deals and really enjoyed spending time together. We got to see a longtime family friend that has been away with the military. I am also so thankful for leftovers, relaxing at home, and that my little family has been enjoying so much time together over this past week.
November 27, 2014 ~ Day 27
Thanksgiving dinner was amazing and delicious! We did not eat precisely at the time I had hoped, but not too far off. Having our friends to share the meal was so nice. Our day was filled with tons of yummy food, fun, football, and a lot of laughs. My kids even helped clean up. I am so thankful that I had the energy and ability to put into all of the details. It was so much fun and the memories are worth all of the work and effort ~ especially, since I had as much help as I did!
November 26, 2014 ~ Day 26
Wow, the snow is really coming down! I am thankful that I have the items I need to finish cooking. The girls and I have haircut appointments later this afternoon. Nothing like waiting until the last minute! I had completely forgotten to schedule them so I was lucky to get this appointment. Yeah, with bangs in my eyes and the long straggly strands, I really wanted to keep this appointment. Hubby was a prince and drove us after we were able to get in a smidgen earlier. I had a wonderful time with my girls (all of us gorgeous now!) cooking and preparing food while they traded back and forth playing video games with Dad. It was fun to hear all of their commotion coming from downstairs and music and laughter in the kitchen. It was a great day and I even got to bed earlier than I expected with all the help from busy hands.
November 25, 2014 ~ Day 25
Today, I am thankful for a light day and the energy to do many things. After coming home and jumping into some prep work and cooking, I realized I was almost out of flour..? HUH? How am I almost out of flour?! I always have flour. Oh yeah, I have been making strombolis and pizzas! So, I went through my recipes and ingredient lists to see there were a few other items I needed but brain fog helped me forget. Then, back out to store I went blehhh! Thankfully, my hubby came with me and we were home in no time. This time, I have everything I need before the snow tomorrow. Yay!
November 24, 2014 ~ Day 24
Today, I am thankful for the Thanksgiving school break so I did not have to wake up at 5:00 am! It was nice to have my youngest home. She makes me laugh so much. I really enjoyed having a late lunch with her and my hubby and also not having to cook!
November 23, 2014 ~ Day 23
Today, I am thankful for a renewed energy that I haven't had in a while. I am so happy to have friends that feel like family over for our Sunday Fun-day. I am so grateful that I feel comfortable enough with them that it isn't stressful if everything isn't put away or we have a low key meal like beef BBQ sandwiches and quick salads. The treasure is in the time together.
November 22, 2014 ~ Day 22
Today, I am thankful for a new day. Showered, dressed, and out the door to meet my mother and sisters for a new Thanksgiving tradition of breakfast before the holiday. With our growing families, different schedules, and general holiday chaos, we haven't spent the holidays all together in quite a while. Understanding and letting go of the idea that we had to get together ON the holiday or not at all, gave us the opportunity to reconnect and enjoy lots of time to catch up together without the hustle and bustle. After a lovely morning/afternoon, I enjoyed a nap, and then a lovely meal with the hubby and youngest. I do treasure moments with family! Lots to be thankful for, especially as I am starting to feeling better.
November 21, 2014 ~ Day 21
Today, I am thankful for a low key day to get some extra rest and do a few things around the house. That is the start to feeling better.
November 20, 2014 ~ Day 20
Today, I barely have the strength to get out of bed. After a busy week, not sleeping well at night, and no time for naps in the afternoon, I am completely exhausted. That might sound relate-able to someone who doesn't have chronic pain and the complete fatigue that comes from it. But, those who do, know exactly what I am talking about. It isn't just being tired, it is incapacitating. Thursdays have become my busiest day since my oldest and I switched the cleaning day of our church from Saturday. I am SO thankful today for the strength that God provided to get through this day. There was absolutely no way that I could have done it on my own.
November 19, 2014 ~ Day 19
Today, where to start? Ugh ~ what a day! This was a repeat of yesterday where I wish I could have had a do-over on most of it. It was cold, I was hurting so badly, I had a lot of work to do, I lost my temper, and I could not sleep. There were other things that were disappointing and discouraging; but, that is not what this post is about. There were still bright spots to be thankful for: My oldest, offered to change her plans and help me tremendously, I was able to make a delicious meal that did not come from a box or take out, and successfully helped my youngest with her homework. These days, most of it is so confusing to me since expectations, punctuation, grammar, and math has changed so drastically ~ but that is a whole separate post! The homework is finished and I am SO thankful!
November 18, 2014 ~ Day 18
Today, I start with being thankful that this is a blog post about being thankful and finding the joyful moments in every day and not a "what I wish happened differently today" journal. I am thankful for more energy today to do many things that needed to be done. On the whole, I accomplished quite a bit, but rarely as much as I would like. As I lay in my bed reviewing the day, the first thoughts are usually of those things that I didn't finish and now have to be added to tomorrow's list. But, then the lovely things that I have started to be sure to notice throughout the day begin to pop into my head: my husband still opening my car door after 23+ years of being together, my youngest successfully being in charge of putting dinner in the oven for the first time, the whole family being together at the table, another successful adventure in hair color for my oldest, a mostly empty sink before bed, a warm home, a full belly, a soft pillow, a comfy bed and any negative thoughts give way to a grateful heart and a pretty good night's sleep! There are so many things to be thankful for each day.
November 17, 2014 ~ Day 17
Today, I am thankful that my hubby tries to take good care of me. I thought that I was going to escape going out in the rain today but
my brain fog won again and I forgot that I needed something for work. So, I had to go out ~ blah. He drove in his toasty warm car with heated seats and I was home soon enough. I am also grateful for my future sister-in-law (who created this beautiful blog) and the wonderful communities of Bloggers and Facebook for their support. Once upon a time, I had been creative and had fun, but, then there was pain. Pain takes up so much of my life. It tells me what I can do, what I should do, and then of course ~ what I can't do. But, as I continue to blog, host my Facebook Page, and have the opportunity to talk with other people who share my dark gift of chronic illness and medications, I have started to feel those sparks of creativity again. While I would never want others to go through what I have been through and what I continue to go through, it is a gift and a blessing to me to be able to relate, laugh, cry, and be encouraged by others who truly know my daily quest to find joy and live each day the best way I can.
November 16, 2014 ~ Day 16
Today, I am thankful for a low key day to get some extra rest and do a few things around the house. That is the start to feeling better.
November 20, 2014 ~ Day 20
Today, I barely have the strength to get out of bed. After a busy week, not sleeping well at night, and no time for naps in the afternoon, I am completely exhausted. That might sound relate-able to someone who doesn't have chronic pain and the complete fatigue that comes from it. But, those who do, know exactly what I am talking about. It isn't just being tired, it is incapacitating. Thursdays have become my busiest day since my oldest and I switched the cleaning day of our church from Saturday. I am SO thankful today for the strength that God provided to get through this day. There was absolutely no way that I could have done it on my own.
November 19, 2014 ~ Day 19
Today, where to start? Ugh ~ what a day! This was a repeat of yesterday where I wish I could have had a do-over on most of it. It was cold, I was hurting so badly, I had a lot of work to do, I lost my temper, and I could not sleep. There were other things that were disappointing and discouraging; but, that is not what this post is about. There were still bright spots to be thankful for: My oldest, offered to change her plans and help me tremendously, I was able to make a delicious meal that did not come from a box or take out, and successfully helped my youngest with her homework. These days, most of it is so confusing to me since expectations, punctuation, grammar, and math has changed so drastically ~ but that is a whole separate post! The homework is finished and I am SO thankful!
November 18, 2014 ~ Day 18
Today, I start with being thankful that this is a blog post about being thankful and finding the joyful moments in every day and not a "what I wish happened differently today" journal. I am thankful for more energy today to do many things that needed to be done. On the whole, I accomplished quite a bit, but rarely as much as I would like. As I lay in my bed reviewing the day, the first thoughts are usually of those things that I didn't finish and now have to be added to tomorrow's list. But, then the lovely things that I have started to be sure to notice throughout the day begin to pop into my head: my husband still opening my car door after 23+ years of being together, my youngest successfully being in charge of putting dinner in the oven for the first time, the whole family being together at the table, another successful adventure in hair color for my oldest, a mostly empty sink before bed, a warm home, a full belly, a soft pillow, a comfy bed and any negative thoughts give way to a grateful heart and a pretty good night's sleep! There are so many things to be thankful for each day.
November 17, 2014 ~ Day 17
Today, I am thankful that my hubby tries to take good care of me. I thought that I was going to escape going out in the rain today but
my brain fog won again and I forgot that I needed something for work. So, I had to go out ~ blah. He drove in his toasty warm car with heated seats and I was home soon enough. I am also grateful for my future sister-in-law (who created this beautiful blog) and the wonderful communities of Bloggers and Facebook for their support. Once upon a time, I had been creative and had fun, but, then there was pain. Pain takes up so much of my life. It tells me what I can do, what I should do, and then of course ~ what I can't do. But, as I continue to blog, host my Facebook Page, and have the opportunity to talk with other people who share my dark gift of chronic illness and medications, I have started to feel those sparks of creativity again. While I would never want others to go through what I have been through and what I continue to go through, it is a gift and a blessing to me to be able to relate, laugh, cry, and be encouraged by others who truly know my daily quest to find joy and live each day the best way I can.
November 16, 2014 ~ Day 16
Today, I am thankful for giggles, belly
laughs, hugs, smiles, deep and silly conversations, and all of the other little
things that my little family shares. I love our Family Sunday Fun Days.
November 15, 2014 ~ Day 15
Today, I am thankful for a few things. I am so happy for another
quiet weekend (rare, but so needed!) I spent the day in comfy clothes, looking
over my recipes for Thanksgiving again, surfing Pinterest, and watching
Hallmark Christmas movies. I was able to roast the turkey wings and veggies to
make the broth that will be the gravy for the big day. I combined recipes from
an old Woman's Day magazine and a similar one I found on The Yummy Life. Oh my yum! After it
chills overnight, I will thicken it and freeze it. Score! Cross that off my
list, WOOT! Apparently, my brain fog has been less because when I was going
over my recipes, I have almost everything I need except for the turkey and a few
odds and ends. How refreshing, since I have had to run out to the store at the
last minute hoping to find things that have been gone for days.
November 14, 2014 ~ Day 14
Today, I am thankful that I am moving a little easier, with the
warmth of the fire. My youngest and I had a fun dinner, laughing and giggling
the whole time. I enjoy those special one on one times. Raising teens is hard
enough, but needing to rest so much and taking medication that makes me loopy
tends to make me feel disconnected from those I love. I treasure these moments
with my girls.
November 13, 2014 ~ Day 13
Today, I am so thankful for safe driving in the snow/sleet. It was
our daughter's first adventure driving in winter weather. I was driving behind
her trying to make sure that nobody got too close. I was white-knuckled the
whole way home! But, she is a wonderful driver and has my hubby's instincts. I
am also SO grateful for our first fire in the wood stove. Oh my word, what a
difference that makes for my sore and achy muscles! It is a blessing that is
beyond belief!
November 12, 2014 ~ Day 12
Today, I am so thankful that I could go back to sleep after our
girls went to school. I was shocked when my hubby woke me up and I
realized that I slept for 3 hours. I am so thankful that I was able to get some
sleep that I really needed. Because of that extra rest, I was
able to be able to get up, stretch, and make the most of my day. With the
last of the warm days before the impending cold snap, I strapped on my big girl
boots and chose to push a little harder to complete the outside jobs that
needed to be done. Ever since I began trying to find ways to thrive with my
Fibromyalgia and chronic migraines, I try to plan everything for the week based
on the weather, especially in the fall/winter. As a "trade off" for
doing those kinds of physical activities, I have to take muscle relaxers and/or
pain meds and need to sleep more.
November 11, 2014 ~ Day 11
Today, I am thankful for free wood for our wood stove that will
keep us toasty warm in the cold days coming very soon. I am also so thankful
that our daughters are very responsible and that I am able to rely on them to
grocery shop for me. I even came home to find that all of the groceries were
put away. What a treat! <3
November 10, 2014 ~ Day 10
Today, I am grateful for being out of bed and being able to move
around and stretch. One of the hardest things about my flares is that I hurt
too much to move, but the longer I lie there, my muscles just get tighter. I am
grateful for the muscle relaxers that help a little by keeping my muscles from
seizing up. Even though it hurts like the dickens, I am able to begin to work
through it.
November 9, 2014 ~ Day 9
November 8, 2014 ~ Day 8
Today, I am thankful for a quiet
weekend, warm and cozy jammies, and the ability to stay in bed all day. I am
relieved that I keep quick foods in the freezer to pull out in a pinch so I
don't have to worry about what's for dinner or having to go out to eat. Because
I have been having more good days than bad, it still surprises and frustrates
me when I feel this low on energy even while I am resting. I am looking forward
to the end of this flare and warmer temperatures in the next couple of days.
7, 2014 ~ Day 7
Today was one of those days that I had
to be gentle with myself. One of those days that all I wanted to do was sleep.
I am thankful again for an understanding hubby who insisted that I go lie down
even though I didn't want to!
November 6, 2014 ~ Day 6
Today, I am extremely thankful for
modern technology. It is chilly and rainy here and I ran too many errands
today. While walking through the last store, I started slowing down and nearly
stopped as my energy completely left me. We hadn't even eaten dinner yet. I was
so happy to walk into a warm home, reheat leftovers, rinse the dishes in hot
water, and then load them into the dishwasher. I crawled into a very cozy bed,
(still dressed!), pulled the warm covers up, rested my head on a fluffy pillow,
and called it a day. I am grateful for medicine that keeps the pain less than
November 5, 2014 ~ Day 5
Today, I am thankful for my husband’s
understanding and caring heart. I was having a rough day and I sincerely
appreciated a few small things that he did that added up to turning my day
around. It makes me feel loved and cared for to have him anticipate things that
might make me feel better; especially, a soft hug and an encouraging word. After
nearly 23 years together, we are becoming closer than we have been in years and
I am very thankful for that!
November 4, 2014 ~ Day 4
I am so thankful that I am able to
mostly work from home for my husband. I am happy to try to take some weight off
of his plate, since he is our sole provider. I try to be a blessing to him,
since he is such a blessing to us. Although, I am sure I probably get on his
nerves sometimes, we seem to make it work. Having to be somewhere outside of
the home every day for many hours was very difficult for me, especially in the
November 3, 2014 ~ Day 3
I am so thankful that my husband and I parent as a team. We both
want to provide tools for our kids while still teaching them that it is up to
them to use them properly. We don’t always get it right. But, we know that our
time with them is brief and our goal is to raise girls that can think and
provide for themselves as adults. Each day I am thankful for my girls and that
I am able to be a part of their lives. That has been an amazing gift every day
of their lives.
November 2, 2014 ~ Day 2
I am thankful to be able to relax at home all day. As soon as I
opened my eyes, I declared it my Pajama Day. I could have gotten dressed but I
chose not to. I stayed in my jammies and sorted through my Thanksgiving
recipes. Seeing my Grandmother’s handwriting brought tears to my eyes because
this our first year without her here on earth. I am so thankful for every
wonderful memory that I have of her and her delicious recipes to pass down to
my children.
November 1, 2014 ~ Day 1
I am relishing in the aftermath of a great Halloween. I am so
grateful that my youngest wanted to be with a good friend & trick or treat,
my oldest would rather go to a Haunted House with her father than go out with
friends, and a husband who wants to take his oldest daughter & her
boyfriend to one of those places I don’t want to go!
Today, I am thankful for a restored relationship with my
sister-in-law and our families spending time together. It was so nice to see
cousins chatting and all of us laughing together enjoying a wonderful
breakfast. I am also thankful for spending time with my little family and then
watching the girls carve their pumpkins. Time didn’t allow for them to carve
them before Halloween. So many times before, I would have just scrapped the
whole idea since it was already over. But, it wasn’t too late and I am so glad
that they got to enjoy the activity!
Loving all these reasons to be thankful. :) What a great list! ��
ReplyDeleteThank you for the comment and thank you for being a big part of my Day 17! <3 I am really enjoying paying close attention during the day to see what stands out as my cherished moments of the day. I may keep doing this every day!