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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Prepare For Take Off ~ My First Week FLYing (Take 2) Cleaning With Fibromyalgia

Ok, so I started the Fly Lady systems again in April... April?! Holy Smokes, I thought I would have been farther along than this by now! Sighhh. Oh well, I digress. Spring came and it was time to plant my garden. Summer came and so did the off and on flares. Yeah, probably from gardening. Don’t judge me! The kids went back to school and my routines completely changed. I found myself slipping back into old habits.
If I don't keep up on paper clutter, it takes over very quickly! If I don't keep up with house cleaning and do a little at a time, I will inevitably do too much at once and spend too much time & energy "catching up". Let's call that what it really is ~ "catching up" is the same thing as a self-induced flare that was not worth the five minutes my house was “clean”.
SO... back to the routines that started pulling everything together and helped keep me on track.

Day 1 - Monday
How do I feel? I feel awful. I broke 3 fillings 2 weeks ago and have a nasty headache. It isn't a full migraine. I am not nauseous and I can move around but I think a spike through my head might be an improvement. I can't eat anything with texture so I am always hungry. My stomach and meds are not mixing well. Since I didn't sleep well, my body just plain hurts all over.
What's on the agenda today: Up at 5am for the kids. I have to work. I work from home for my husband who is a Realtor. I have a ton of stuff to do but I am having trouble concentrating. This is not a good mix. 
FLY: I emptied my sink, and shined it as per the FlyLady's instructions. My oldest daughter's chore is to empty the dishwasher so I had to wait for her to get home to finish. 
I got hooked on making my bed after I started in April. I like the way it looks and it is so comfortable to get into at night when it has been made. Before, it didn't seem like a big deal since I would lie down during the day and mess it up anyway. But, sometimes. I go to bed after my husband. When the bed was unmade, it was very difficult for me to get into with the blankets all disheveled and him lying on them. I cannot sleep unless I am covered completely and I will keep waking up and hurt very badly if I get cold during the night. This problem was solved just by making my bed. Who knew it could be so easy?!
FLY Focus:  The Home Blessing. The longest and sometimes most difficult thing for me. This is when you spend 10 minutes doing a bunch of different things and stop. This includes mopping, it is called a quick mop. Sheesh, I'll say! Since I move a little slower, I don't get as much done as I would like every time. BUT, it is still more than what I was doing before AND I spend less time and have less pain after. My kitchen floor is not spotless but, guess what? It is a heck of a lot better than it was!

Day 2 - Tuesday
How do I feel: Growl, hiss and sigh. Teeth are hurting so badly. Head is pounding. 
What's on the agenda today: Too much. I just want to sleep.
FLY: Sink has a few dishes in it. Blehh. It didn't take long to clean it up and then the sink was nice and shiny. Today, we were supposed to get dressed as if we were going out. Yeah, this is one that I am not always able to do. I am hoping that I will be able to go back to sleep. 
FLY Focus: Plan and Play I can do that while I rest on the couch. What's for dinner, grocery list, look up recipes on Pinterest… Oh SNAP! Where did the time go? Ha! Pinterest problems. I didn't have much time to play, but did get my lists finished and I was able to get a nap, so I will count that!

Day 3 - Wednesday
How do I feel? Grrr
What's on the agenda today: Work, errands, getting ready for my dental appointment to have 2 teeth repaired. I know that it will be rough.
FLY: Sink has a few dishes in it but again, not too many and it didn't take long to do them. I started my Control Journal.
FLY Focus: Anti-procrastination Day! One of my favorites. I kept doing this every Wednesday also. I started with a list of things a mile long and started checking them off one week at a time. It is amazing how freeing it is not to wince and think DANG! I keep forgetting to do that! I just put it on my list for next week.

Day 4 - Thursday
How do I feel: OUCH! 
What's on the agenda today: Dental appointment and recovery
FLY: Getting dressed wasn't a problem since my appointment was at 8:30 in the morning. Sink was empty before I left. Dinner was in the crock pot for my family. Win!
FLY Focus: Errand day. I actually did go to the grocery store today right after my appointment. My face felt like it was melting and I practically ran through the aisles; but, I grabbed soup, drinks, and stuff that would be good for me to eat as well as my family. I seem to always forget to care for myself! The rest of the Fly Focus... I didn't even look.

Day 5 - Friday
How do I feel: ...
What's on the agenda today? As little as possible,
FLY: We are listening to our inner voices. I am learning to be more kind to myself the way I would be with others. Today, I will do what I can, when and IF I can. I am okay with that. 
FLY Focus: De-clutter purse and car. Nah, I am going to need to rest today.

So, one week in. How did it go? 

Depends on who you ask. If you ask someone with a Type A personality who follows every single instruction, it did not go well. If you ask me, I will say that I did the best I could. 

Before I tried Fly Lady, if I couldn't do it all, I wouldn't bother to do any of it. Now, I am constantly reminding myself that if I just do a little today then I won't have as much to do tomorrow. I won't overdo it trying to catch up. I am changing habits and forming routines that are weird and different for me. I feel awful some days and can't do them. That's okay. I just get up the next day and try again. I am starting to really re-think how I see myself and my inner voices. I am treating myself the way I treat others. Not better or worse, but the same
I may be the only who appreciates it but I do really like my shiny sink!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sometimes, I Wish I Was a Bear!

It is rainy outside. It's gray and dark. Blech... My mood is feeling as gray as the clouds. It is getting downright cold at night. Fall is here... sigh. I love the colors of Fall. I enjoy pumpkin EVERYTHING and even enjoy wearing sweaters. What I don't enjoy is knowing that my body's arch enemy, Winter, is right around the corner.

And with winter, come the flares, the brain fog, and the chill inside that doesn't want to go away no matter how much cocoa or coffee I drink. I think that bears and other animals that hibernate have the right idea.

How nice would it be to fill up on a ton of delicious food, go into a quiet cave, get cozy, and sleep until Spring. Sometimes, I wish I was a bear!